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Season Rates

Effective 2023-2024 Season

(Subject to Change)


Travelift or Crane

One way off truck into water or onto blocking or out of water onto truck or blocking.

Up to 29 feet – per foot (minimum $100.00)..................................$13.75

30 to 39 feet- per foot......................................................................$15.50

40 to 49 feet – per foot....................................................................$19.25

Over 50 feet – per foot....................................................................$22.00

Loading on a trailer may require additional charge at our hourly rate.

Loading a mast is charged at our hourly rate plus the use of the crane for large masts.

Haul-Out Hold and Launch or Lift Hold and Lower

Regular rate per foot....................................................................... x1.5

Cradles are moved at our hourly rate ($93.00/hr)

Crane Services

Crane and Operator per mast...................................................$93.00

Crane and Operator per hour..................................................$150.00

Stepping or Unstepping Masts 

Use of crane ($93.00) per mast including operator 

Raising or lowering of masts as well as moving your boat, removing sails, removing rigging, and checking lights are all done on hour hourly rate ($93.00/hr). 


Summer dockage $2750 per season

Transient Dockage $2.00 per ft/night


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